
Allard, D., Oliphant, T., & Lieu, A. (forthcoming Summer 2024). Unwanted interactions: Patron-perpetrated sexual harassment in Libraries. Library Juice Press.

Author interview with Danielle Allard and Tami Oliphant. (2022). Library Juice Press blog. Interviewed by MLIS student Jenny Cheng about Patron-perpetrated sexual harassment project.


Allard, D., Oliphant, T., & Lieu, A. (2023). Finding a Way To Say ‘No’”: Library employees’ responses to sexual harassment as emotional labour. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), 31-40.

Oliphant, T., Allard, D., & Lieu, A., (2023). Epistemic injustice in library work: Case study of patron-perpetrated sexual harassment. Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Information Studies/Association canadienne des sciences de l’information (CAIS/ACSI) annual meeting.

Oliphant, T., Allard, D., Lieu, A.*, & Mallach, K.* (2021). Naming patron-perpetrated sexual harassment in libraries. Proceedings of 2021 Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS) annual conference.

Allard, D., Lieu, A. & Oliphant, T. (Forthcoming, 2020). Reading between the lines: An environmental scan of writing about third-party sexual harassment in the LIS literature and beyond. Library Quarterly.

Allard, D., Lieu, A. & Oliphant, T. (2020). Reading between the lines: An environmental scan of writing about third-party sexual harassment in the LIS literature and beyond. Library Quarterly.

Oliphant, T., Allard, D. & Lieu, A. (2020). Addressing patron-perpetrated sexual harassment in libraries:
Four propositions for intersectional feminist anti-violence education in LIS. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 15(1), 95-109.

Lieu, A., Allard, D., & Oliphant, T. (2019). The “Customer” is Not Always Right: Third-Party Sexual Harassment in Libraries. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS / Actes Du congrès Annuel De l’ACSI.